
Thank you for checking out my travel blog!

I'm new to this blogging thing so it's a work in progress, as is life. But I've learned a lot in my 26 years and continue to learn and grow everyday.

Life is a journey full of many different paths and choices. I've never really known what I wanted to do with my time here, at least occupation wise. I've been through countless ideas, aspirations, and dreams.

I have however always known ever since I was little that I wanted to get out and see the world. Eager to experience different cultures and see the places you only read about. The places you see but can't fully appreciate until you're there. The ones that appear so visibly intoxicating when you ARE there, it's almost as if they're not real at all.

So I am presenting my knack for storytelling and reasonably acceptable grammar to bestow some stories to you.

I've been out of the U.S. for a little over a year now and it seems that I'm always a little behind on my viral writing. But I have been keeping journals of my travels for myself and will continue to share my information and experiences with anyone who wishes to be a part.

I try to keep things in perspective and someone once told me not to worry about documenting the travel itself too much because you might miss the experience. So I'm trying to find that balance.

Am I proud of everything that I've done in my life? No, I don't believe anyone truly is. However, I created this blog as an archive of stories and adventures that I am proud of.

Hopefully, other than a collection of my travels, some of these passages can become helpful, maybe even insightful or if anything...at least a little entertaining.

Feel free to comment, add any questions, or just tell me some of your thoughts.


Monday, March 12, 2012

Remaining Aussie Itinerary

(Re-edited entry, new Aussie Itinerary at the bottom...much improved I think...although I doubt it will be set in stone either, I'm all over the place and I know this...I like it that way...but it's nice to have checkpoints)

Since I have been keeping my travels to myself for so long, I actually do have a lot to share about past explorations.  However, I may post those periodically as I go and keep an open dialogue of more recent and future adventures. 

I used my first few pay checks to book my flights in advance, so my schedule is pretty set in accordance to the dates and places I go.  What I do when I get there and the time inbetween is interchangable. 

I've currently set up camp in Newtown, Sydney, New South Wales.  Where I bartend at a place called "Zanzibar" (yes, like the Tenacious D song...and yes, I do sing that verse either out loud or in my head everytime I say it).  I work on the weekends and that gives me the freedom to go out Mon-Wed/Thursday depending on my schedule.

I spend most of my weekdays exploring Sydney, or hopping on a train to the Blue Mountains.  I love it out there!  It's so peaceful and there is literally 100's of bushwalks, lookout points, and waterfalls to take in.  I plan on doing a few specific walks and making my way to Katoomba (supposedly the main city in the Blue Mountains).  The train ride out is only 2 hours, so it's easy to come there and go back. 

However, I just met another American named Tim.  He bought a car and said I could hitch a ride out there and catch a train back if he chose to keep going.  That may be in the works for as early as tomorrow.  Once I get to Katoomba I'd like to stay a few days and maybe get a bus to Jenola.  Which is home to the Jenolan Caves.  I'm not much of a spulunker but I checked out the website and these caves look pretty badass so I don't think I have much of a choice. 

So many options, so little time.  But I do like Australia, I will be back.  So whatever I miss this time, I'll just have to catch next time. 

I booked 4 flights, the first is in almost 2 weeks, March 23rd I go to Melbourne (or if you're Australian and don't pronounce your "R's"; Mel-BUN).  I haven't decided which leg of the trip I will do first because my 2nd flight is also booked to Melbourne in mid-april.

I made it into 2 trips because I didn't want to feel rushed when I visited Australia's 2nd largest city.  So one trip will involve me actually being in Melbourne seeing the sights and taking it all in and of course, experiencing the night life!

I'll also rent a car, or hitch a ride (whatever comes to fruition) down to Phillip Island.  Which is around a hour or 2 southeast of Melbourne.  I want to go to Phillip Isle because I've heard several people tell me how great it is and apparently every sunset you can witness the "march of the penguins" on the beaches. 

I know what you're thinking, Australia, summer....penguins?  That's what I said!  But we are near Antartica so I figured I'd have to check that out for myself and whatever other mischief I can get into along the way.  I don't really like to make these plans, just an outline.  What if there's an awesome festival going on?  What if I get asked to be the on the next "Aussie's Next Top Model"?  Or...not.  But hey, you gotta stay flexible just in case and you always end up staying a little longer if you really like a place.

So then comes the other leg of the trip.  The Great Ocean Road.  Which I am thoroughly excited about!  I have yet to see a kangaroo or a koala (check) live yet and I'm GOING TO SEE ONE DAMMIT!  I mean for God sake, I've EATEN kangaroo meat and haven't seen one yet.  All these road signs that have actual koalas and kangaroo "beware" signs....and...nothing.  I'm determined.

I can either purchase a tour or do it myself.  I'm leaning towards renting a car and doing it myself.  So I can stop and go as I please and save a little money by maybe sleeping in the car or camping on the beach. Plus the tour only takes you to the tourist spots and if I wanted to stop off in say Torquay (major aussie surf destination I hear) and surf I could, I wouldn't be able to do that on a tour bus. 

Can't do both in one journey of 4 days and if I did it properly and stayed a week or longer, I'd miss work.  So this way, I can continue to make money and still have 2 seperate adventures.  One is southeast, the other is southwest so I'd really be pushing it to do both. The entire Great Ocean Road is going to probably take the whole 4 days, or at least, that's how I'm going to spend it. 

Here's a link, with a map picture of the route itself:

The other 2 flights I booked were to Singapore on May 23rd and then Penang, Malaysia on May 31st for my buddy Kennon's beach wedding!!!  Should be pretty sick, I'm really excited to do that.  Going to wait and buy my flight or get a ride to Thailand from there.  Then I'll still have a few months left on my Visa here in Australia but I'm not sure I'll be back for it. 

I'm also debating another trip here in OZ, but I'm going to save that for another post so hopefully I can get some feedback.

Have a blessed day


I love going back and re-reading these!  I should have been keeping a journal my whole life!  A lot has changed since I wrote this so an update would be in order.  I did do all of the things that are currently listed (with exception to Singapore/Malaysia which is next Wednesday!) but now that I have no set return timetable in place (i.e. no more girlfriend ultimatums) it should be said that I don't have an exact itinerary any more.  There are things I'd like to do, things I'll try to do and things I don't know I'll do yet...other than that...the world is my oyster.  

I booked another flight after Malaysia to Bali, Indonesia.  For a few different reasons, one being that it was the cheapest flight on the way back towards Australia ($100) and it's a top destination spot that all of my Aussie and Kiwi friends say I absolutely HAVE to see.  So I figured "what the hell?", you only live this life once, so I'll stay in Bali for about 2-2 1/2 weeks.

Depending on what the funds look like after that, I may attempt to gain my scuba certification.  So I can go scuba dive the best parts of the Great Barrier Reef.  Which was the trip in OZ I was debating about doing but didn't know if I would have time (not a problem anymore), or the money (always the constant struggle).  The cost of scuba certificates are about 1/2 of what they would be in Australia so I'll have to see when I get there.

I fly to back to Australia after that, Darwin to be exact.  I hear it's warm up there.  I'm looking forward to heading back to the warm weather because Sydney has since gotten cold in the past few weeks.  I will attempt to look for work while I'm there whether it be more bartending or on a pearling boat.

I know what you're thinking...pearling boat?  I said the same thing at first.  However I have heard that you can make upwards of $1000 a week on a pearling ship.  Count me in!  For $1000/a week I'd play in a tiger cage with porcupine mittens!  Plus, I've also heard that the bartending positions up there are quite sexist (shocker)...and my boobs haven't gotten to mammary gland status.  So these pipe dreams may or may not come to fruition.

If Darwin doesn't work out, I plan on coming back to Sydney.  I'll be back in Sydney the first week of July anyway because my friend Hayley bought us tickets to the "Flight of the Conchords" concert and I AM NOT MISSING THAT!  My boss at Zanzibar also said I could possibly have my job back (if I make it back in a reasonable amount of time...cue me, squirming because I'll be pushing it time wise for sure), so I'm hoping that is the case.  If not, there are plenty of jobs and bars around the city.  I'll spend those last few months saving up more money to do the last 2 things on my Aussie checklist.

Those 2 things are "The Ghan", which is a train that allows you to ride from Darwin or Sydney all the way to the capital city Adelaide.  It's pretty costly, but you can jump on and jump off whenever and wherever you want.  It takes you through Alice Springs so you can see "Uluru".  Which is a giant natural rock formation in the heart of the Australian outback, I've heard it's breathtaking.

When I hit Adelaide, I will find transportation to "Kangaroo Island".  Guess what they have there?  

I've been in Australia for 8 months and I haven't seen 1 damn kangaroo in it's natural habitat yet....and by God, I'm not leaving until I do!!!  So I figure where's the best place to do that...an island with their very name of course.

So that's about it.  No promises or anything but these are the ideas currently floating around.  We'll see how it goes.  


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