
Thank you for checking out my travel blog!

I'm new to this blogging thing so it's a work in progress, as is life. But I've learned a lot in my 26 years and continue to learn and grow everyday.

Life is a journey full of many different paths and choices. I've never really known what I wanted to do with my time here, at least occupation wise. I've been through countless ideas, aspirations, and dreams.

I have however always known ever since I was little that I wanted to get out and see the world. Eager to experience different cultures and see the places you only read about. The places you see but can't fully appreciate until you're there. The ones that appear so visibly intoxicating when you ARE there, it's almost as if they're not real at all.

So I am presenting my knack for storytelling and reasonably acceptable grammar to bestow some stories to you.

I've been out of the U.S. for a little over a year now and it seems that I'm always a little behind on my viral writing. But I have been keeping journals of my travels for myself and will continue to share my information and experiences with anyone who wishes to be a part.

I try to keep things in perspective and someone once told me not to worry about documenting the travel itself too much because you might miss the experience. So I'm trying to find that balance.

Am I proud of everything that I've done in my life? No, I don't believe anyone truly is. However, I created this blog as an archive of stories and adventures that I am proud of.

Hopefully, other than a collection of my travels, some of these passages can become helpful, maybe even insightful or if anything...at least a little entertaining.

Feel free to comment, add any questions, or just tell me some of your thoughts.


Monday, October 29, 2012

Kuta, Bali

Monkey Temple near Uluwatu
After the Kiwi boys’ James & Joel found us randomly by our pool.  We thought that our next move in Kuta, should literally be to move.  We walked down with the guys towards the Poppies’ streets near their “hostel”.  These 2 streets are right in the center of downtown Kuta.  We chose to walk down “Poppies II” based on a tip the Kiwi guys heard the night before.

Since they had been there for a few nights, they had already made a few friends with some locals and other travellers who gave them suggestions.  Suggestions ranging from where to eat and party, to where we should stay, the place we chose to stay was called the “Gora Beach Inn” for only $25/night. 

At the first sight of Gora, I was not convinced that the Aussies James & Joel met had been completely truthful with them.  There is a running feud between the Kiwis and Aussies, so just on appearance alone I thought that maybe a joke had been played on these guys. 

Gora Beach Inn on Poppies II
I thought this because the front of Gora was their carport…we learned after going through that it kept getting better and more scenic the further we went on. 

“Hostel” is a loose term in Indonesia.  They are “hostel” prices luckily, but we quickly learned that one can easily pay these prices for better accommodations as well.  They are actually resorts.  Once we made it past the carport, the resort really opened up and truly got more comforting and likeable.

When we first walked back, we saw an entire pool full of hot girls and understandably half-naked gentlemen (if that’s what you’re into).  The “tip” that our Kiwi buddies received was that this was the place that all the “surfing Aussies who liked to party” stayed.  Good enough for us.  We booked in there for our remaining 4 days in Kuta.

Where did all the naked people go?
Honestly though, the Aussies weren’t that cool.  Not to classify all of them in a category together but I’m glad that I had already lived in Australia for a little while and met some before I went to Kuta.  If I would have met those Aussies and thought that was what all Aussies were like, I probably would have stayed away from Australia.

They were just punks to be honest.  Typical surfer, too cool for school types with their singlets and flat brimmed hats, just not my type of people.  Disrespecting the locals, and treating Indonesia like their own personal play house.  They're on vacation, so they don’t care and they definitely don’t appreciate other cultures.  I talked to some of my Aussie friends about this when I got back and these “bogans” were stereotypically typical. 

Since everything was already laid out for Cheese and I, we decided to go to the beach and chill out for a little while.  What we didn’t realize was our interesting and almost celebrity-like status once we arrived. 

It’s a very simplistic life in Indo, not all by choice exactly, but it’s still very simple.  Sunset is about the time all the tourists get off the beach, so the other locals come to join the other Balinese who do their work on the beach. 

Not too shabby for a "hostel"
I think it’s because the locals who work on the beach actually stay there…as in, live on the beach.  Literally.  So “after work”, you normally go to your friends place…or maybe a nice spot to grab a beer for Happy Hour maybe…well, these people have friends who work on the beach with coolers of beer…whatever beer that isn’t sold can be sold (Happy Hour-ish) to their friends at a discounted price and everyone watches the sunset. 

The guys who work on the beach start at 6 or 7 in the morning and stay working until the sun goes down.  Then some of them go to their houses or wherever they live, while others camp out on the beach, every night.  It’s wild. 

I also couldn’t decide if it was sad or not.  It’s really cool to an extent, but you can’t possibly “want” to camp out on the beach every night and then work there too.  Then again, the weather is mostly perfect so it’s not as if it’s too miserable out there.  But coming from a guy who has slept on his share of sand and camped on beaches, shit gets old really quick. 

Good times with great people
Work for the beach locals involves anything from surf board rentals/lessons, bike hire, beverages of any kind, etc etc.  They each have their own section of the beach.  They also work together, so if they don’t have something you want, they’ll go get it for you from one of their friends along the beach.  They set chairs up around their own shaded area and try to talk tourists into coming to their station to hang out with them and their friends. 

It was annoying at first, kind of like the airport zombies we encountered where they just wouldn’t leave you alone and God help you if you stop moving.  If you stand still, they all swarm to you like hungry lions on a wildebeest.  

We go into it eventually.  They are a lot of fun, they’re just trying to make some money.  In their line of business, if they don’t do that to you, they won’t sell and if they don’t sell…then they don’t make ANYTHING.  It’s not exactly an hourly wage, so you need to gain a certain understanding of their lifestyle to appreciate it.

Celebrity status
On this particular sunset the beach was completely full of Indonesian people who wanted to take our picture and take pictures with us, for what reason?  We still have no idea why!

I like to say that it was because Joel is such a sexy man beast and my beard was by far beyond anything they have ever seen on another person’s face…but what do I know?  So we pose for them naturally and say “Hello”, we throw the Frisbee around and have what I’ll describe as an interesting time on the beach. 

We went back to the hostel and began drinking by the pool.  Our Kiwi buddies were giving us the lowdown (you’re also reading the LOWDOWN…clever) on what to do in the area.  This pretty much relegates around the Sky Garden, which was conveniently located right across from the street we stayed on.

They serve free drinks to all tourists there from 9-10, there are 6 different levels and it’s pretty much packed every night.  The drinks are not good by any means, but they are free and they don’t care how many you grab nor the amount of times you stumble back up to them.  Just your basic watered down vodka mixed with various juice/soda…very terrible, also very effective.

On the main strip in Kuta at night they have scantily clad girls handing out vouchers for free drinks to whatever venue they work for.  They are the same kind of drinks everywhere, you only get one…but if you play your cards right, you can drink for free for at least a few hours hoping around from venue to venue. 

Joel, Yours truly, Mr. McGee, and James
Sky Garden was pretty cool except I’ve never struck out so many times in my whole life…I was 0 for the century at this place.  All the places actually and it became sort of a game for me, my beard was apparently not as “becoming” as I thought.  I did get a lot of positive comments…from dudes…not exactly what I was going for.  But I was stuck without a shaver so I couldn’t shave until I went back to Australia.

With that in mind, since I already knew I wasn’t going to get any play it opened me up to freely say whatever came into my head…not that I don’t already do that but without anything to lose I even became surprised with the amount of toxic conversation that kept spraying from my mouth. 

I got turned down by everyone.  Russians, Italians, Frenchies, lesbians…you name it, I had a run and so did they…away from me.  

James' sweaty drunken dancing
The Kiwi guys had a nice thing going with 2 Dutch girls they met.  So we all got together and since the girls lived there and spoke Balinese, we got to do a lot of cool stuff for cheap.

That’s how the first couple of nights went.  Same story each over those next few nights with the venue hoping for free drinks, the Garden with their free drinks and hasheesh hookas, sprinkle in a few random travellers and 8 hot Canadian neighbors and of course…my constant rejection. 

For instance, I talked with these 2 German chicks that stayed at our hostel for a while one night, mainly because of the potential I saw by the pool that afternoon.  They came out with us and I thought things were going well. 

Sky Garden set up on the roof
Cheese and I went off and sat with them alone for a little while.  Except the little weasel squeezed in beside the hotter blonde one, crafty bastard that he is.  Oh well, the brunette was cute so I went along with it…not a bad consolation prize I told myself.  Even though the blonde was BY FAR hotter, but I’m a good sport so instead of competing I let Cheesey Mo have his day.

Unfortunately it didn’t work out for either one of us.  The blonde had too much to drink and went home sick, so Cheese, the brunette and I all went back and found the Kiwis and the Dutchies.

We were all drinking and having a good time.  Until the brunette decided to mention that she had a boyfriend and wasn’t interested in being anything other friends with me…which SUCKED…because I didn’t even want her!  How does this happen!?  I knew I should have squeezed in with the blonde…damn you hindsight!

Dancing with Canucks
The friends thing was fine with me, until I explained to her my position on the situation.  That basically if I had known that going in, I would have went and found some other girl to chat with and not spent so much time putting in work with her….she didn’t understand or appreciate it.  I tried to explain it to her in a kind way that said we CAN BE FRIENDS but she wasn’t happy. 

It is simple math, at least to me.  “You’re not going to do anything with me so if I knew that I would have went and found someone who would…we can still be friends of course…but I wouldn’t have spent that amount of time with you.”

She wanted to know if that information changed my decision in watching a German soccer match with her at 4am…since I already said that I would before I knew I was in the dreaded “friend zone”. 

I told her no, which was a complete lie, so I still went to be nice…I just left at halftime after I decided that my presence there was unnecessary, or pointless more like it.  Needless to say, she changed her mind about the whole friends/Facebook situation. 

The next day we woke up early because the Kiwi guys were very active and apparently don’t experience hangovers in their country.  It’s a good thing they were with us though, otherwise we may have stayed in bed or at the hostel by the pool. 

Hangin' out at Jeki's
We went to the beach to find one of the Dutch girls’ friends.  His name was Jeki and he had his own beach setup as I covered before.  He gave us a good price on surf lessons and we spent the whole day out there with him. 

I had been surfing before.  Well, more like paddling in the water and falling into it with a board strapped to my foot.  So I was excited to get some actual LESSONS.  It was a lot of work but I finally got to the point where I could get up consistently.  Some of the other didn’t fare so well but it was a good time had by all.    

Jeki also hooked us up with his brother who worked for a speed boat company.  It’s nice to get in with the locals on things such as this because usually it cost $660,000 Rp ($66) for one way to the island of Gili Trawagan.  We paid that price for the roundtrip with an open return date.  We found out later that we did still overpay a bit, but it wasn’t as bad as it could have been if we went and got them somewhere else. 

Joel & the view
The day after that we got together with the Dutch girls and rented mopeds.  They took us to Uluwatu and Padang Padang.  It was pretty scary and fun all at the same time.  There are no rules on the roads in these Asian countries.  Everyone just does whatever they want, whenever they want.  It’s really dangerous being on a bike. 

The guy at the shop didn’t want me to have mine for some strange reason.  Can’t say that I blame him really I guess, since I almost wrecked it the first time we pulled away from his shop.
Sun never sets on a bad-ass
I had never been on a moped before and I let it get away from me…so I may have “grazed” the bar next to his shop on my take off.  I thought it was funny, until I turned around and realized that the owner had chased me down and told me to bring him his bike back because he didn’t think I was capable of operating it.

“You should bring that back, you’re going to die” – Angry Little Indonesian Man

“Nah, I’m good” – Silly American

Another interesting thing about Indo is that there are no gas stations.  Only people on the side of the road with bookshelves full of Absolute Vodka bottles containing gasoline. These are their “stations”.  There are lots of cars but more often than not people travel on mopeds (it’s so they can go around traffic and pull up onto the sidewalks, no rules).

Cool side of the mountain town, killer waves
We stopped at this area in Padang Padang which was on the side of a mountain/cliff.  It was a little inverted town built along the side.  So instead of walking around, you walk down this stone stair well through the town until you reach the beach at the bottom.  They have shops and restaurants with incredibly bad service but it’s still neat.  It was pretty sweet and obviously I didn’t die on the bike so that was a major plus for me. 

It was a major plus for my sister as well because she was flying in the next day.  Which was actually the day of because she got the dates wrong.  She didn’t realize that time-travel was involved when flying across the world (and she teaches today’s youth!). 

It was great because I hadn’t seen her in about 6 months.  We had a chat about me going to Indo and she said she would come join me for her summer break.  Except, she always says that when I tell her what I’m doing so I didn’t really pay much attention to it but then she bought the ticket and actually came, so it was really cool.  We’re a lot alike in the spontaneous, try to live for the moment kind of way.

I was really worried about her too though.  I thought the Indo’s would eat her alive.  They’re not actual zombies…they just act like them.  That episode of “South Park” where the homeless people are looking for change describes it pretty well.  

The problem with Holly is (NOTHING, she’s f’n awesome in every single way!), but she’s just way too nice sometimes.  So instead of ignoring the people like she should, I was expecting her to stop and talk to them…because she's very kind and naturally giving...but places like Indo where they want your money and try to take advantage these features could only lead to trouble, or her spending money she didn’t intend to spend.  She surprised me though, she handled herself very well, even to the adorable beggar children that get sent out when all else fails.

She's obviously the shy one
I was supposed to get her at the airport but since we got the dates screwed up, she was on her own.  Holly also has traveled a lot and is completely capable of handing herself on the road.  She managed to get herself into a nice spa by the airport and then I went to pick her up and brought her back to Gora with Cheese, the Kiwi’s, and myself (sounds like some kind of lunch menu).

She’s also the more conventional one in the family.  She needs to have a plan.  She needs to know what is happening and when it’s happening, she’s very punctual unlike me who has been late to everything I’ve ever done, ever.  So I wasn’t sure how she would take to the lifestyle Cheese and I lead on the road.  Where anything goes at any time and we don’t exactly make plans so much as loose outlines to just figure it out later. 

She was really awesome with that as well though.  She just wanted some time away from home, a true getaway with no worries involved.  So she left it all up to us and we had a great time.

Me & The Sis
We showed her around and went through the Sky Garden routine.  We rounded up the entire crew…of Canadians, Kiwis, Sierra and her “friend” McGee, Cheesey Mo and had a blast every night and most days (when we weren’t hungover), of course Holly & I broke out the “Humpty Dance” in the middle of the street as I like to do from time to time.

To those who don’t know the “Humpty Dance” here’s another link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cj9_yW8tZxs

And since you don’t know it, you probably would like to know this fun fact, 2pac is one of the background dancers on stage in this video!  See if you can spot him, he got his start with Digital Underground.  Yes, that 2pac!

The Crew with Jeki
We went back to Jeki’s and hung out on the beach, we only stayed in Kuta 2 days after she arrived because we were so excited to travel to the island of Gili Trawangan.

Plus there’s only so much to be done in Kuta to be honest, I only stayed for 5 days total and if you have ever went to a vacation by the beach then you’ve probably done everything there is to do. 

It’s a lot of fun but it’s also all the same in most of these places.  Besides our best times were ahead, on to GILI!